1 asentar
v.1 to set up.2 to secure.3 to settle, to establish, to radicate.El general asentó al pueblo ahí The general settled his people there.4 to write down, to put down, to jot down, to enter in.El juez asentó los comentarios The judge wrote down the comments.5 to place, to establish, to base, to rest.Ricardo asentó su casa en las afueras Richard placed his house on the outskirts.6 to be good for, to do good.Me asienta este clima This climate is good for me.* * *1 (establecer) to establish; (apoyar) to base2 (colocar - gen) to locate; (- colonos) to settle■ todos los edificios asentados en la Villa Olímpica cuentan con aparcamiento propio all buildings in the Olympic Village have their own parking facilities■ estas tribus estaban firmemente asentadas en la península these tribes were firmly settled in the peninsula3 (fijar) to fix, set4 (calmar) to calm, settle5 (anotar) to enter, note down6 (golpes) to deal1 (establecerse) to settle■ muchos judíos se han asentado en los territorios ocupados many Jews have settled in the occupied territories■ una empresa japonesa ha decidido asentarse en Sevilla a Japanese company has decided to set up in Seville2 (aves) to perch\asentar las bases to lay the foundations* * *verb1) to place, set up2) lay down•* * *1. VT1) (=colocar) [+ objeto] to place, fix; [+ tienda de campaña] to pitch; [+ campamento] to set up, pitch2) (=establecer) [+ principio] to lay down; [+ opinión] to stateel documento en el que se asientan las bases de la paz — the document in which the foundations for peace are laid out o laid down
3) (=sentar) to seat, sit down4) (=aplanar) [+ tierra] to firm down; [+ costura] to flatten5) (=afilar) [+ filo] to sharpen; [+ cuchillo] to sharpen, hone6) [+ golpe] to deal7) (Com) [+ pedido] to enter, book; [+ libro mayor] to enter up8) (Constr) [+ cimientos] to lay down9) (Téc) [+ válvula] to seat10) Méx frm to state2.VI to be suitable, suit3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1) < campamento> to set up; <damnificados/refugiados> to place2)b) < tierra> to firm downc) < válvula> to seatd) <costura/dobladillo> to presse) <conocimientos/postura> to consolidate3) (Com, Fin) to enter4) (frml)a) <pauta/principio/criterio> to establish, lay downb) (Esp, Méx) ( afirmar) to affirm, state2.asentarse v pron1) café/polvo/terreno to settle2) ( estar situado) ciudad/edificio to be situated, be built3)a) ( establecerse) to settleb) (esp AmL) ( adquirir madurez) to settle down* * *= put down, establish.Ex. Any individual might engage in different information managament activities aimed at putting down new information through writing, glossing, assembling or extracting, and so forth.Ex. The intention is to establish a general framework, and then to give exceptions or further explanation and examples for each area in turn.----* asentarse = settle in, find + Posesivo + feet, settle, set up + camp.* volver a asentar = resettle.* * *1.verbo transitivo1) < campamento> to set up; <damnificados/refugiados> to place2)b) < tierra> to firm downc) < válvula> to seatd) <costura/dobladillo> to presse) <conocimientos/postura> to consolidate3) (Com, Fin) to enter4) (frml)a) <pauta/principio/criterio> to establish, lay downb) (Esp, Méx) ( afirmar) to affirm, state2.asentarse v pron1) café/polvo/terreno to settle2) ( estar situado) ciudad/edificio to be situated, be built3)a) ( establecerse) to settleb) (esp AmL) ( adquirir madurez) to settle down* * *= put down, establish.Ex: Any individual might engage in different information managament activities aimed at putting down new information through writing, glossing, assembling or extracting, and so forth.
Ex: The intention is to establish a general framework, and then to give exceptions or further explanation and examples for each area in turn.* asentarse = settle in, find + Posesivo + feet, settle, set up + camp.* volver a asentar = resettle.* * *asentar [A5 ]vtA1 ‹campamento› to set up2 ‹damnificados/refugiados› to placeB1 ‹objeto› to place carefully ( o firmly etc)asienta bien la escalera make sure the ladder's steady2 ‹tierra› to firm down3 ‹válvula› to seat4 ‹costura/dobladillo› to press5 ‹conocimientos› to consolidatetratemos de asentar estos puntos antes de seguir let's try to consolidate these points before continuingA «café/solución/polvo» to settle; «terreno/cimientos» to settleB (estar situado) «ciudad/edificio» to be situated, be builtC1 (establecerse) to settle2 ( esp AmL) (adquirir madurez) to settle down* * *
asentar ( conjugate asentar) verbo transitivo
1 ‹ campamento› to set up;
‹damnificados/refugiados› to place
3 (Com, Fin) to enter
asentarse verbo pronominal
1 [café/polvo/terreno] to settle
2 ( estar situado) [ciudad/edificio] to be situated, be built
asentar verbo transitivo to settle
' asentar' also found in these entries:
- book
* * *♦ vt1. [instalar] [empresa, campamento] to set up;[comunidad, pueblo] to settle2. [asegurar] to secure;[cimientos] to lay3. [afianzar] [conocimientos] to consolidate;toma un té, te asentará el estómago have a cup of tea, it will settle your stomachle asentaron dos puñaladas he was stabbed twice5. [apuntar] [entrada] to make;[cifras] to enter; [firma] to affix* * *v/t1 refugiados place, settle2 objeto place* * *asentar {55} vt1) : to lay down, to set down, to place2) : to settle, to establish
См. также в других словарях:
asentar — (Del lat. vulgar *adsedentare < lat. sedere, estar sentado.) ► verbo transitivo 1 Poner una cosa de modo que permanezca fija o firme: ■ ya han asentado la cerradura de la puerta. SE CONJUGA COMO pensar SINÓNIMO consolidar 2 Dar un golpe a una… … Enciclopedia Universal
asentar — {{#}}{{LM A03634}}{{〓}} {{ConjA03634}}{{\}}CONJUGACIÓN{{/}}{{SynA03714}} {{[}}asentar{{]}} ‹a·sen·tar› {{《}}▍ v.{{》}} {{<}}1{{>}} Colocar o poner de modo firme y seguro: • Continúan los trabajos para asentar los pilares del puente.{{○}}… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
Libertad Lamarque — Libertad Lamarque. Nombre real … Wikipedia Español